Tradition is one of the most important factors for success in the antiques trade, so it was the millenary involvement of Lebanese traders with the identification and evaluation of antique objects that made the region a world reference in this activity, as it was from Lebanon, in 1918, that the first Musse, David Musse, arrived in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
By tradition and experience, nothing more natural than that he began to work as a gold buyer for Banco do Brasil: Images, Silverware and other art objects, within a set that, around here, was called "antiques". Following his keen feeling and taking advantage of his experience in Lebanon, he decided to dedicate himself to the business. With a favorable environment and a growing knowledge of the market, old David Musse built a successful and glamorous history in Bahia, being recognized in Brazil and in the world as the best Brazilian antique dealer, he was even called "King David, the king of antique dealers", frequented by celebrities such as Jorge Amado, Pedro Maria Bardi, Roberto Marinho, Clemente Mariani, Walther Moreira Salles, and great celebrities and businessmen of the time. Its history was so rich and so beautiful that the Brazilian government, on the occasion of visits by personalities such as the president of the United States Dwight Eisenhower, presented it with a piece from David Musse's antique shop.
David Musse married a Bahian woman from Santo Amaro da Purificação, thus establishing Brazilian roots. In 1934, his first male child was born, Itamar Musse from a family of 4 children, at the age of 30 he took his place in the business, three years later Itamar Musse's son Itamar Musse Junior was born, thus a new generation that would continue the family tradition.
Itamar Musse Junior graduated in Museology at the Federal University of Bahia, adding to the business more technical knowledge and a solid academic background, contributing to expand the dissemination of Brazilian art in the country and internationally.
Today, influential people and opinion makers own objects that come from Itamar's hands, trusting in his tradition, seriousness, and knowledge. The entire Brazilian market follows his work and attends the temporary exhibitions he promotes in the main centers of the country, seeing each one as an art event of the utmost importance. From the patriarch coming from Lebanon and through his successors, the current Brazilian art market has a reference; Itamar Musse.